1 – Setup and customization > 1.3 Viewpoint customization > Configuring Homepage gadgets > Configuring the datacenter utilization gadgets

Configuring the Datacenter Utilization gadgets

You can use MWS to configure and configure and customize the VM Utilization Gadget and the Node Utilization Gadget (see Homepage gadgets for more information).

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To configure the Datacenter Utilization gadgets

  1. Navigate to http://<hostname>:<port>/mws/. Type your MWS administrator username and password and click Log in.
  2. In the navigation menu, click PluginsPlugins.
  3. To modify the Node Utilization Gadget, click the nodeutilizationreport link then the Edit button. To configure the VM Utilization Gadget, click Add Plugin, select VMUtilizationReport from the drop-down menu, and click Continue.
  4. Use the fields to define High, Normal, and Low utilization, choose how often a new point appears on the graph, how often Viewpoint pulls the information, how much information is saved, etc. For more information about these fields, see "NodeUtilizationReport Plugin" or "VMUtilizationReport Plugin" in the Moab Web Services plugin documentation (packaged inside the actual plugin).
  5. When you finish editing your plugin, click Update. The Show Plugin page will appear with your updates. Click the recreateReport link to delete your old data and allow a new graph to generate based on your new settings. Until Viewpoint has enough time to generate two data points (twice the number of seconds set for Report Consolidation Duration), the gadget will display a message telling you that the information is being generated. You must click Refresh to display the graph.
  6. If your graph does not appear in the time expected, check your event log for possible node or VM errors (search for Category nodeReport or Category vmReport).
  7. If you want to specify how much of the saved information the graph displays, modify the csaDashboard.gsp file.
    1. On the command line, open the homepage file: /var/lib/tomcat6/moab/WEB-INF/grails-apps/views/gadgets/<node|vm>Utilization.gsp.
    2. Locate the ReportTimeInSeconds parameter and change its value to the number of seconds of information you would like the graph to display (the default is 21600, or 6 hours). For example, to display VM utilization data from the past 24 hours, you would set the following:
    3. <iframe src="../gadgets/vmUtilizationGadget?InternalRefresh=&ReportTimeInSeconds=21600&dataCenter=...></iframe>
    4. Save the file.

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