10 – Roles > 10.3 Role references > Fields: Edit Role

Fields: Edit Role

Path: Administration > Role Management > Edit

Image 10-1: Edit Role

Click to enlarge

The Edit Role page lets you assign permissions to the role you are creating or editing.


These fields let you specify general information about the role.


Lets you modify the name of the role. The name you specify will appear in the list of roles on the Role Management page (see Fields: Role Management) and in the list of role options when you edit a tenant (see Fields: Edit Tenant).

The name should be alpha-numeric, but can contain dashes (-), square brackets ([]), periods (.), and underscores (_).


Lets you modify the text description of the role. This description will appear in the list of roles on the Role Management page (see Fields: Role Management).

Object permission defaults

These fields let you specify the object permissions you want to set for the role. For more information, see Permissions.

Viewpoint permission defaults

These fields let you specify the Viewpoint page and gadget permissions you want to set for the role. For more information, see Permissions.

Expand all

Lets you expand all the permission type sections so that all permissions are visible.

Contract all

Lets contract all the permission sections so that only the permission type is visible.

Select all

Lets you select (include) all the permissions in the section.

Select none

Lets you clear all (exclude) selections on all permissions in the section.


Lets you save the role. When you choose Save, you are taken to the Role Management page (for details, see Fields: Role Management).


Lets you revert the changes on the role form and go back to the Role Management page (for details, see Fields: Role Management).

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