10 – Roles > 10.3 Role references > Permissions


This topic lists all the permissions you can set when you configure roles in Viewpoint.

Permissions are stored in Moab Web Services. Any new permission you want to add to Viewpoint you must add through Moab Web Services. For more information, please see the "Permissions" resource section of the Moab Web Services Reference Guide.

The actual permission name will be in this format, corresponding with the attributes you define at permission creation in MWS: <type>.<resource>.<action> (for example, page.internalPage.read).

Use case

For example, say you want to create a custom navigation link to another internal web page and you only want "admin" role users to be able to see the link. Here's what you would do:

  • Create the new navigation (page) permission in MWS (see the "Permissions" resource section of the Moab Web Services Reference Guide). Make sure you specify the permission type is "page." For this example, let's say you named the permission page.custom.read.
  • Add the custom link to the navigation.xml file (see Adding a custom link to the Viewpoint menu).
  • In the navigation.xml when you specify the <permission> element, make sure that the permission name matches exactly the of permission you created in MWS (for example, page.custom.read).
  • Go to the Role Management page and edit the "admin" role so that it includes this new permission. For more information, see Editing an existing role.

On the Edit Role page, permissions are grouped in the following categories. Each table lists the permission name and describes what the permission does. By default, all permissions are added to the delivered "HPCAdmin" role.

At any time, you can reset the default permissions to the delivered roles on the Set Viewpoint Defaults configuration page (for more information, see Resetting default roles and permissions).

Note that, depending on your type of suite, some permissions may not apply.

Default role permissions

This section outlines which permissions are included by default in each delivered role. Any time you need to, you can set or reset the permissions for the default roles (see Resetting default roles and permissions).

HPCAdmin role

All Viewpoint and object permissions are included in the HPCAdmin role by default.

HPCUser role

The HPCUser role contains the following Viewpoint and object permissions:

Object permissions

Accounting All permissions except for Quote usage-record

Read credentials

Events Read all events

Create job arrays


All permissions


Read metric types


Read all nodes


Read notifications

Update notifications


Read resource-types

Viewpoint permissions

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