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Viewpoint lets you attempt to unblock a service that is in the "Blocked" state on the Service Management page.
This functionality can be helpful if, for example, you do something like submit a service with a specific node feature tag, but, after the service goes to the "Blocked" state, you discover that all nodes with that tag are full. So, as an administrator, you can change the required node features on the service so that it can be run on an available node. Now you can go into Viewpoint and "Unblock" the service, and it should deploy.
The Unblock function is essentially a best effort for Moab to retry the last failed action in the lifecycle. It is important to understand that this functionality does not guarantee that the service will suddenly be fixed. For example if there is a system hold, then using "Unblock" will not cause any change in the service phase.
Please note that, depending on the reason a service is blocked, attempting to unblock a service may not cause the service to leave the "Blocked" state.
To unblock a service
A message appears telling you what action Moab is taking (or retrying).
Please note that, depending on the reason a service is blocked, attempting to unblock a service may not cause the service to leave the "Blocked" state.
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